Our Family

Our Family

Friday, March 30, 2012


Not because we have a place to go, but because we will eventually be moving...I have started to pack.  We still only "mostly have" a house.  This whole process has been a little frustrating, just because it has been so lengthy, but it's good at the same time.  Because of the delays, we have been able to save more $$ for the work that we want done and it has given me an opportunity to "get my Monica on".

On occasion my loving and o-so-funny brother has referred to me as Monica, the obsessive character from the TV show Friends; and because everyone thinks they are a comedian, it has stuck.  But my Monica has been missing since the birth of Benjamin, our 4th wild child, so like any good OCD, perfectionist type I have been in "just ignore it mode".  If it can't be perfect, don't do it and/or ignore it or ...you will be swan diving off the roof.  If you are the perfectionist type you know exactly what I mean, if you are not... well, just never mind.

Anyways, Monica is back, and I am beginning to feel the peace of having our home in a much more clean and organized state.  And it has been so fun to clean and go through things, purging and organizing and then packing them for the inevitable move.  Fun planning what I will put here and there and carefully labeling every box with its contents and which room it will go to.  Well...fun as long as Benjamin is not trying to bite me on my bottom.  Twice...twice yesterday, that head strong turkey tried to bite me on the butt.  I tell him no, he throws a fit, I walk away and he chases after me trying to bite me.  Really?   Ugh!!!   Back to my peace...So we are holding out hope that maybe we will close on this house in early May and can move by the end of May.  We will see how this plays out, but however and whenever it finally works out, Monica is going to be SO prepared and organized.  I am so excited!

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