Our Family

Our Family

Women's Bible Study

To go to the Women's Bible Study click this link...womanhoodstudy.blogspot.com

One of my passions lately has been to really dig into biblical womanhood.  My first attraction to the subject was just being intrigued by the words themselves and the wonder of what they really meant. Darren and I both began to study on the subject and beginning last summer we began being very intentional about teaching the students on biblical manhood and womanhood.  This fall before my husband resigned we had begun a study for the girls on womanhood and a manhood study for the guys on Wednesday nights, and I began to think that I wish that the young adults in our church had an opportunity to study this as well.

Growing up in a culture that is greatly influenced by the feminist movement, culture says there is really no difference between women and men.  And if we are wondering why that is not working out for us, it is because it is not true...While we are created equal in worth and dignity, God has assigned us different rolls and different purposes because we are not the same.  Although I am a Mann, I am not a dude so I am not even going to touch the manhood subject.  But, as a woman I want to and need to know what God says about womanhood, because for me, somewhere along the way I feel I have missed all the preparation or training on womanhood and on what God’s specific plan is for a woman.  Our culture puts great emphasis on education and the question: what do you want to be when you grow up?  And then, once you decide what you want to be when you grow up, you begin training in that area.  Course work, observation of the job, on the job training…all preparing you for the job you will be doing and, for the most part, when the time comes you will feel prepared to do the job.  Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being educated and training for a career, but there is more to our lives than the job we do -- like two-thirds more  What are some of the roles God has designed specifically for women?  Well, for example...only a woman can be a wife to a man as God intended or motherhood, only a woman can bear children.  And I ask when and where was the training for this?  Or maybe I should be asking why I wasn't invited??  LOL!  Anyway, my hope for this bible study is to help us as women embrace the specific purposes of being created woman and the exclusive callings that are specific to women.  “God is calling women to reflect their full purpose and potential, to embrace life with joy and fulfillment and to be known for being faithful in each area of their lives.  Women who understand that this involves discipline and self-sacrifice, but that it can happen as they allow the Word of God to nurture them and the Spirit of God to take control of them and have His way.“ (The Resolution for Women, Shirer p.xi)  I love this excerpt from Shirer’s book because it screams to me, “Oh, God…teach me how to be me!  Train me to be the woman you intended for me to be!!”  I certainly do not have all of the answers, but God does and together as we search the scriptures and seek the Lord together I believe He will reveal His plan for us as women, because, simply put, he loves us.

So I would like to invite you to join me for this bible study.  If you live in the Mooreland area...we are going to actually meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 beginning February 12th.  We will meet in the fellowship hall for a short time of fellowship (light breakfast included) with a men’s group who is going to be doing a men’s study and then we will move on to our classes.  Both classes are intended for young adults single or married, so if you have a man friend, significant other or spouse please tell them there is something for them too!

If you do not live in the Mooreland area...follow my blog.  Each lesson will be published and you can have the opportunity to comment and participate in discussion through the blog.  Of course, if there is ever something you would wish to discuss privately just shoot me an email.

Ok...I have to say I am glad this post is finished.  It has taken me forever to write it because I have had an 18mo old on my lap.  It is difficult to type while Ben is pushing buttons too.  So there is no telling what this actually says.

To go to the Women's Bible Study click this link...womanhoodstudy.blogspot.com

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